Enable signed-in site visitors to create a personalised view of the site, summarising information from across the site that is relevant to their preferences. The information that is presented to the site visitor is dependent upon the use of tagging to effectively categorise content.
Forms & surveys builder
The Forms & Surveys Builder enables authors to create web forms and surveys using a simple interface. Page authors enter the questions that they want to ask and specify how the responses are to be given, selecting options such as textbox, text area, single and multiple checkboxes, dropdowns, radio buttons, file attachments and so on. The Forms & Surveys Builder creates a file which may be formatted as a human-readable email and forwarded to one or a number of nominated email addresses. Alternatively, the file may be written to a local database on TLE’s servers; authorised users can then download the data as a CSV file for analysis or processing. Further development can be undertaken at extra cost to post data directly into an internal database.
Advanced features of the Forms & Surveys Builder allow images to be associated with specific questions. This would mean that in the context of a survey, participants could be asked to identify what they had spotted based upon a match with a series of images.
Online polls
TLE allows authors to define a question and available answers, the date of the poll’s commencement and its end date and, if the author decides to allow it, a display of the poll results as percentages of total votes cast. The absolute number of votes cast can be viewed via the TLE administrative interface. Polls can be included within general content pages on an ad hoc basis or featured as part of a home page design if appropriate.
Authors can create a series of questions with multiple-choice answers and specify the correct answers accompanied by further explanatory notes to assist the visitor’s understanding. When the visitor has completed the quiz, the solution presents results on-screen with feedback.
Page creation form
Encourage colleagues within your organisation and site visitors to submit content that builds a page within your website, without requiring the contributor to have access to the content management tools. TLE can configure a form that, when submitted, creates a page within the website awaiting editor approval and notifies the editor that the page has been created.
Applications for this technology include enabling organisations that are running events in support of a particular charity to provide information about those events which (subject to editor approval) can be summarised within the website’s events calendar.
Image gallery
If you have a particular need to provide your website visitors with access to high-resolution images, perhaps to showcase a particular aspect of your activity or subsequent to an event, TLE provides you with two options.
The first enables you to configure a collection of images to be displayed as small, medium or large thumbnails across two or more columns. Site visitors can be given the option to click on a thumbnail to view a full-sized version of the image and/or to download that image. This is an ideal way of providing authorised images and logos for use by the press, perhaps contained within a password-protected area of the site. The second option allows you to display your collections of images via a series of animated Flash-based image galleries.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Each Frequently Asked Question (including a brief answer and a detailed answer) is created as a page, with the question as the page title. The FAQ summary page displays each FAQ clearly in a list of clickable hyperlinks along with the brief answer. The site visitor can navigate to the detailed answer if required. When viewing a single FAQ, the site visitor can navigate to the next question in the list, or back to the list itself.
The TLE glossary feature enables a page author to define any number of terms and acronyms along with a description of those terms. Some terms can have extra information, such as a more link to an external website. If required, the glossary can be made "active", meaning that wherever a glossary term is used on the website, it becomes a link to that term in the glossary, along with a tooltip containing the definition of the term.
Support for audio & video
Links to short audio and video files can be incorporated within pages, for download and playback within the site visitor’s preferred media player.
TLE can support the real-time playback of externally hosted video within webpages, for example, content that is hosted on YouTube. TLE also includes an embedded Flash video player allowing you to offer real-time playback of Flash Video (FLV) files that are hosted on your website.
Podcasts are scheduled, episode-based media content. TLE includes the ability to provide a URL which serves an RSS feed for such media files. Website visitors can subscribe to the Podcast using familiar tools such as iTunes or their preferred RSS reader.
Authors can upload a series of images to the website asset library and opt to display those images in a format which enables site visitors to select an image to send as an e-Card. When a site visitor sends their e-Card, an email is sent to the recipient containing a link back to the website where the e-Card and personalised greeting can be viewed. This feature is a form of viral marketing, encouraging site visitors to drive further traffic to your website.
Simple threaded discussion forums provide a mechanism for interaction between members of your community, such as between volunteers or professionals. Forums will typically be located within a password-protected area of your site, with registration required in order to post comments on the forum.
The TLE blog allows the blog author to create a page within the website and for website visitors to add comments to that page. Comments can be subject to pre-publication approval if required. Individual blog postings are presented via a content summary page.
TLE can be configured to provide a template statement on a topical issue and to encourage site visitors to modify that template with their own views and to forward the resultant document as either hard-copy or email to its intended recipient(s).
Google maps integration
TLE can undertake bespoke Google Maps integration, enabling you to show location-based information in an interactive format.
Integrated e-bulletin (option at extra cost)
TLE provides e-Bulletin functionality via integration with an industry-leading third-party software tool. The effective targeting of e-Bulletins to registered website visitors can be achieved by matching e-Bulletin content to user preferences. The TLE solution is supported by detailed analytical information, enabling you to assess the effectiveness of your e-Bulletin campaigns.