If you cannot see the Poll Maintenance area on your site, please contact the Helpdesk to request that this feature is enabled for you.
On this page, you will see a list of any polls that you have already set up on your site. You can click on the name of the Poll to edit it, or to view information about the voting results. Please note that you cannot edit a poll if any votes have already been made.
To create a new Poll, click the Create New Poll button. This will bring up the following screen:
In the Question box, you should type the question that you want to ask your site visitors. In our example, we have typed What is the weather like today?.
In the Start Date and End Date boxes, type the dates when you want the Poll to start and finish. When the Poll reaches the end date, the voting will be closed and the results will be displayed on screen instead of the poll.
If you want your visitors to see the results of the Poll after they have voted, you can leave the Display results after voting box checked.
The next step in setting up the Poll is to give your visitors some options to choose from. To do this, click New Item on the Allowed Responses field.
Type in the first allowed response, and then click Save. Repeat the process for each response that you want to add.
When you have finished adding your responses, click the Save Poll button.
Now the poll is saved, you can add it to a page on your site.