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Gift Aid Checkbox

This displays a checkbox to allow a visitor to declare that they wish the website to claim Gift Aid on his or her donation. It uses JavaScript linked to the donation amount box to immediately show the visitor the amount of Gift Aid that will be claimed on his donation.

Last updated: 25 January 2011, 08:57


This input type does not support the mandatory setting.


Enter the name of the form question (not its label) that contains the donation amount.

Default Value(s)

This form item type does not accept default values.

Resource Gallery for allowed value images

This form item type does not support allowed value images.

Query String Key

This form item type does not support Query String population.


With your donation of £1.00, we could receive an additional £0.25 from HM Revenue and Customs at no extra cost to you.
You must be a UK taxpayer and must be paying as much in income tax and/or capital gains tax as we reclaim on your donation. For example, on your donation of £1.00, you must be paying at least £0.25 in tax each year to qualify.