The email that you receive
If you enter a valid email address (or email addresses) in the Email addresses that this form will be sent to box, these email addresses are sent a notification every time the form is filled in.
The email includes a link to the form that was filled in, and by default includes all of the information that the user typed into the form.
In some cases, your form may ask for sensitive information. If you have set up your form to save its values in the database and would prefer that the email did not contain the actual form values, it is simple to set this up.
To receive the email without the submitted values, simply choose No in the Include Submitted Values option in the Email section of your form placeholder.
To set up your form to not send an email at all, simply add the word None in the Email addresses that this form will be sent to box.
Sending an email to the person who submitted the form
When a user submits a form, you can set up the system to send him or her an email to confirm receipt of the form. To do this, you need to make sure that you have a question on your form that is an Email address type. Simply add the word Notify into that question's Parameters box to tell the system to notify the user that his form has been submitted.
By default, the notification email will include a summary of all the values that the user entered on the form. Again, you may not want this information to be included in the email, so simply choose No in the Include Submitted Values option in the Confirmation section of your form placeholder.
You can control what text is included in the conformation email by using the Confirmation email Subject and Text to include at the top of the confirmation email boxes.