Helpdesk > What Can I Do? > Events > Show your events on a calendar
Show your events on a calendar
If your channel summary is going to show events, you can set it up so that it shows the events in a calendar format.
Last updated: 09 May 2012, 15:55
This format will display a calendar on the page, and allow your users to see all the events at once in an easily navigable format.
How to set it up
To set this up, you need to change an option on the Channel Summary. To change this, edit your channel summary page, and click the Configure Channel Summary button. You will then see an option in the bottom right hand corner called View Mode. Change this to Calendar to switch the summary into Calendar format.
What will it look like?
You can use the left and right arrows to quickly flick to a different month, and the today button will take you back to show you today's date. This is highlighted in yellow, as shown below:
Each event on the calendar is a link that will take you through to the event page, allowing your users to see more details about the event.