You can create events that recur by creating the event's posting once, and setting the frequency of the recurrence in the event's metadata at the same time as setting up the date and time of the event.
You can stop the recurrence on a certain date, and you can exclude some dates from the recurrence.
Recurring events are searchable up to two years into the future at any given time.
To create an event that recurs, you must first request that Cubik enables the feature for you. Just send an email to and we will enable the feature on your website.
Once enabled, follow these instructions.
Set the frequency of recurrence
Choose the frequency of the recurrence using the Recurs dropdown box. At the moment, you can only choose Every week, but if you need other frequencies, please contact Cubik to discuss your requirements.
Stop the recurrence
If you want the recurrence to stop on a given date, enter the date into the Recurs Until box. If the event recurs indefinitely, you can leave this item blank.
Exclude dates
If there are some dates where the event does not recur, enter them in the Does not recur on (dd/mm/yyyy, one per line) box. You can enter as many dates as you like in this box, just remember that the format is dd/mm/yyyy and you enter one date per line. The event will not occur on these dates. If you want the event to recur all the time, just leave this box blank.
And that's it
That's all there is to it. Here is an example of a single event set to repeat at weekly intervals on the Event Summary page of an example website: