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FAQ Browse Page

The FAQ 'Browse Page' enables site visitors to view all FAQs on your website. Below each is a brief answer with the option to link through to a more detailed response.

Creating an FAQ 'Browse Page' is the first part of a two step process.

  1. You begin by selectingCreate New Page - 'Create New Page'.
  2. This will bring up the template gallery - from here we select 'FAQ' and then 'FAQ Browse Page'. You will then be able to see the text editor.Text Editor
  3. Enter an appropriate introduction into the text editor and select Save Page.
  4. You will be asked to add a 'Name' and a 'Display Name' to the page, once you are happy select 'OK'.
    Page Names
  5. If you are an author on the site your page will be submitted for approval. If you are an editor you will need to approve the page to go onto the live site. This can be achieved by selecting Approve Page.

Having created the 'Browse' Page you will need to create the FAQ 'Detail Page'.