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Add a User

Use this to add a user to your website.

  1. When you select 'User Administration' you are presented with the screen below. Select 'New User'.
    User Administration
  2. This will bring up the following screen. Fill in the details as appropriate.

      User Profile


    The name a user will sign into the site with.


    The user's password. They have the ability to change this password once they have signed into the site.
    Confirm Password Repeat exactly what has been entered in the box above.
    Sign In Count Once the user has been registered this field will automatically populate with the number of times a user has signed in.
    Forename(s) The user's forename.
    Surname The user's surname.
    Description The user's job title.
    Email Address The user's email address.
    Groups Select the groups the user will belong to. These will have been pre-configured by Cubik.
    Account Disabled If this box is checked the user will not be able to access the website.
    Receive CMS Workflow Issues

    This box is automatically checked. Users will only receive emails if their 'group' is also set to do so.

    For example a user simply registering on the site will not receive workflow emails even if this box is ticked.

    Can Manage Profile Check this box if you want to give the user the ability to manage their own profile.

  3. Once you are satisfied with the users details select 'Save'.