Support Case Summary
Your Support Case Summary page shows the Helpdesk cases that you have active with us, and the last 100 cases that have been closed.
Last updated: 09 May 2012, 15:55
The Support Case Summary is found on the Control Panel of your website and is split into three sections: Active Cases, where cases that have yet to be resolved are listed; Closed Cases, which shows the last 100 cases that have been closed; and Case Detail which lets you see details of each case.
Active Cases
Your cases that are still active are shown on this page. They are listed in order of when they were last modified. You can use the colour-coded lights to see at a glance the status of each case, using the following key:
Not scheduled
| The case has not yet been given a week in which it will be worked on. It usually takes us one to three days to schedule a case. If the case is really high priority and you need it to be scheduled more quickly, then just give us a call. |
In progress
| We are working on the case now. Keep checking the case notes to see the progress that we're making. |
| The case has been allocated a week during which it will be worked on. The week is displayed in the Scheduled w/c column. |
Ready for release
| We have finished working on the case and the changes we've made are ready to be released to the server that runs your website. We usually release on Monday mornings, but we will have already contacted you by email with a release date. |
Awaiting feedback
| We have completed the case and have contacted you to request that the case can be closed. If you see any orange lights on your Summary, then that's a reminder that we're waiting for you to contact us. |
Awaiting details
| We have contacted you to request further details to allow us to progress with the case. A red light means that the case cannot progress until you contact us with the details that we've requested. |
The summary also lets you see at a glance the following information about each case:
- Case number,used to uniquely identify specific cases. You can click the number to be taken to a page that shows more information about the case.
- Title, comprising your organisation's title followed by a short summary of the case.
- Last modified, the date that the case was last changed by us.
- Scheduled w/c, the date of the Monday of the week during which the case will be worked on. If the case requires software changes, then you can usually expect the resolution to be with you by the following Monday.
- Status, the description of the status of the case.
- Note, the latest note that has been added to the case by us.
Closed cases
Click Closed Cases to see a view of the last 100 cases to have been closed by us. The information that you see is similar to that of the Active Cases view, but the colours have a different meaning:
Not supported
| The case was opened following a query about something that we do not support. For example, it may have been a query about your company's internal email, or DNS. |
Closed by agreement
| Following a conversation with you, we have decided between us to close the case. The reason for this will be included in the case notes. |
| The case was opened but there is already another case open that covers the same issue. The reference to that other case will be included in the case notes. |
Problem solved
| The problem was solved and you confirmed this to be so. |
No response to closure request
| The problem was solved, but you did not respond to our emails to confirm this. We close these cases five working days after requesting your confirmation if we do not receive a response from you. |
No response from client
| We sent you a request for further information, or we sent you a quote, but we did not receive a reply from you. We close these cases five working days after requesting your confirmation if we do not receive a response from you. |
Case details
You can click any case number in the views above to see details about the case. The information that you see is:
- Status, the status of the case, as detailed by the colours above.
- Priority, the priority of the case. If you believe that the case has the wrong priority, just let us know.
- Client contact, the name of the person in your organisation who we contact regarding the case.
- Created, the date and time that the case was created.
- Last modified, the date and time that the case was last modified by us.
- Scheduled w/c, the week during which the case is scheduled to be investigated.
- Closed, the date and time that the case was closed.
- History, a history of all the notes that have been added to the case, as well as the name of the person at Cubik who added the note.