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Create Channel Button

Creates a new channel.

Last updated: 17 August 2010, 09:07

This button is for creating new channels. When you create a new channel, it is created in the channel that you are currently viewing. A link to the new channel will appear in the site navigation.

When you click on the New Channel button, a 'Create New Channel' dialog appears. The Name and Display Name fields must be entered.

New Channel fields

Name The Name is how the channel appears within the URL of the page being viewed by a site visitor. The only characters you can use are the letters A-Z, digits 0-9, and the characters ' ', '.', '-', '_', '(', ')'. Additionally, a valid Name may not end with a full stop '.' or contain two consecutive full stops '..'. Although allowed, we would recommend that you don't use spaces (' ') in the Name as this causes URLs to be written with plus signs ('+') in place of the spaces.
Display Name The Display Name is the the name of the channel as the site visitor would see it. It is used as the text for any links to this Channel, and as the name of the channel in the site's breadcrumb. It can be same as the Name. Any characters in any order can be used in the Display Name.
Hide when published Ticking ‘Hide when Published’ will mean that the channel will not be be visible within site navigation to site visitors. The channel will remain visible when the site is in edit mode. This is not a security measure: pages within hidden channels will still be visible if a visitor types the URL of the page and navigates directly to it.
Important Channel Marking a channel as important allows it to be displayed differently on other parts of the site where importance is recognised. This would include Channel Summary pages where importance is configured and home pages that only show important items.
Create Channel Summary This box is checked by default, and means that an index page will be created as the default (landing) page in this channel. If this box is left checked, the channel summary will be the page that will appear when the channel is clicked on. You should leave this option ticked in most instances.


Once created, the new channel will become the current channel.