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New lines and paragraphs

It is really easy to add new paragraphs and lines to the text in your web pages. Here is how it is done.

Last updated: 09 May 2012, 15:55

The Cubik editor makes it easy to add new lines and paragraphs to the text on your web pages. To add a new paragraph, simply press ENTER, like this:

This is a new paragraph. The HTML that makes up your page is correctly marked up with <p>...</p> tags, and the house style of the site design makes a nice gap appear between this and the previous paragraph.

You may sometimes only want a new line rather than a new paragraph. An example would be the lines of an address. Adding a new line is simple; just hold down SHIFT and press ENTER, which we will do between the lines of our address here:

Cubik Solutions(shift+enter)
Gate Way Drive(shift+enter)
LS19 7XY(enter)

The editor also helps your site maintain design integrity and semantic correctness by preventing you from creating odd spaces within your content, as the examples below show.

After this Paragraph, we are going to insert two linebreaks to see what happens (by holding SHIFT and pressing ENTER twice):

This is the line after inserting two linebreaks. As you can see, the double break has been turned into a new paragraph, as this maintains semantic correctness. What about three? (by holding SHIFT and pressing ENTER three times):

This is after three. The three linebreaks have been turned into a new paragraph, as above, to maintain house style and semantic correctness. Now we are going to insert two paragraphs by pressing ENTER twice:

And here we are - the double paragraph has been turned back to one to maintain house style.