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Define your Podcast

To define your Podcast you select Edit Links. This will bring up the following screen.

Podcast Links

Link target (link to a synopsis page or to the MP3) You can link to a synopsis page for the Podcast, which provides a description, or alternatively you can link directly to the MP3 file.
Display text This appears in bold font as the title of each individual Podcast.
Description The description appears below the Display Text.
Open in new window Select this box if you want the Podcast to open in a new window.
Only show to members of group

Select if you only want to make the Podcast available to certain site visitors.

Image This image will appear to the left of each Podcast.
Publish Date This is the date that displays as the 'Publish Date' in iTunes or a similar product.
File Type Specify the 'File Type' of your Podcast.
Media URL (link to the MP3) If you linked to a synopsis page (see Link Target) then please specify the location of the MP3 file here.

Once you have completed this form select 'Save Row and add New' Repeat the process for each individual episode that exists within the Podcast. Save Row and add New

Having defined each episode select 'OK' and continue to configure your Podcast.