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Improvements to the Asset Uploader

This morning's release has included important improvements to the Asset Uploader. You will notice:

  • improved reliability when uploading files that include non-alphabetic characters in their names,
  • renaming files during upload results in the correct names being shown in your Resource Galleries,
  • when uploading many JPG images, you can set the default scale(s) that will be applied to every image in the upload. The first page is entitled 'DEFAULTS' and what you choose on this page will be applied to every image in the upload,
  • it is now mandatory to choose at least one scale when uploading JPG images,
  • you can now explicitly choose 'Original size' when uploading JPG images. Select this to upload the file without it being scaled to a different size. Remember that you can contact to request different scales to be added to your list of available scales.

Please note that this version of the Asset Uploader requires the latest version of Microsoft Silverlight (version 3) to be installed on your computer. If it is not installed, you will be asked to install it. Simply follow the instructions given. If you need any additional support, please email or telephone our Helpdesk on 0113 238 6735.